The Smoothie Diet 21 Day PlanThe Smoothie Diet 21 Day Plan

The Smoothie Diet 21 Day Plan

What is the Smoothie Diet 21 Day Plan?

The 21 Day Smoothie Diet, crafted by health coach Drew Sgoutas, offers a structured weight loss regimen. Participants are encouraged to replace two daily meals with smoothies, as detailed in the e-book, "The Smoothie Diet."

This comprehensive guide includes 36 smoothie recipes, meal and snack suggestions, shopping lists, weekly schedules, and tips for smoothie preparation and sustaining long-term weight loss.

According to Sgoutas, this 3-week dietary approach can foster healthy eating habits, bolster immune function, detoxify the body, enhance skin and gut health, and elevate energy levels. Additionally, Sgoutas asserts that the diet can accelerate weight loss, with some testimonials on the website attesting to up to 9 pounds (4 kg) shed in just 3 days.

The Smoothie Diet
The Smoothie Diet



The Healthy Smoothie Bible
The Healthy Smoothie Bible


Smoothie Recipe Book
Smoothie Recipe Book



















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Lets get into the Details

How to get the best out of 21 Day Plan

The 21-Day Smoothie Diet entails substituting two meals daily with smoothies using the recipes provided in the e-book.

Containing 36 recipes, these smoothies feature ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and almond or coconut milk.

In addition to the smoothies, the plan permits one solid meal per day and two healthy snacks. Solid meals should primarily comprise whole foods, while snacks should be low in sugar and rich in fiber, aiming for approximately 150–200 calories per serving.

A weekly cheat day is allowed, during which smoothies are omitted, though meals should still prioritize whole, minimally processed foods.

Optionally, the plan may commence with a 3-day detox, replacing all three daily meals with smoothies and incorporating two healthy snacks.

According to the program's website, the diet operates by establishing a calorie deficit, where daily calorie expenditure exceeds intake. Rich in fiber, the diet purports to reset taste buds, reducing sugar cravings.

While the program is designed for a 3-week duration, it can be repeated until weight goals are achieved.

Foods that you do not eat on a Smoothie Diet

To embark on a smoothie diet successfully, preparation is key. This entails having a well-thought-out diet strategy readily available. Your food choices will determine the pace at which you transition into a weight loss routine.


On the Smoothie Diet Program, it's recommended to minimize your consumption of sugar-laden beverages and processed foods, including processed meats, refined grains, and fried items. Here's a breakdown of foods that you Do Not Eat and foods that you Do Eat:

Do Not Eat:

  • Processed meats: bacon, ham, pepperoni, deli meats, salami

  • Refined grains: white rice, white pasta, white bread, tortillas

  • Fried foods: French fries, mozzarella sticks, donuts, fried chicken, fish sticks

  • Processed foods: convenience meals, cookies, chips, pretzels, baked goods

  • Sugary drinks: soda, sweet tea, sports drinks, energy drinks

Do Eat:

  • Fruits: bananas, pears, apples, oranges, pineapples, raspberries, strawberries

  • Vegetables: spinach, kale, cauliflower, bell peppers, carrots, broccoli

  • Protein sources: chicken, turkey, salmon, eggs, legumes, Greek yogurt

  • Whole grains: brown rice, quinoa, oats, buckwheat, popcorn

  • Nuts and seeds: flaxseed, almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, nut butter

  • Beverages: almond milk, coconut milk, coconut water

  • Herbs and spices: vanilla extract, fresh ginger, parsley, mint, cinnamon

  • Other ingredients: unsweetened cocoa powder, unsweetened coconut flakes, granola, honeya

Does the Smoothie Diet 21 Day Plan, helps in weight loss

Embracing a smoothie diet brings a host of benefits, ranging from weight loss and boosted energy to therapeutic uses in medical contexts.

Weight Loss

A smoothie diet can aid in weight loss through several mechanisms:

Weight Loss
Weight Loss

  1. Calorie Control: Smoothies can be portion-controlled and tailored to specific calorie needs, making it easier to manage calorie intake compared to traditional meals. By replacing high-calorie or less nutritious meals with lower-calorie smoothies, individuals can create a calorie deficit, which is essential for weight loss.

  2. Nutrient Density: Smoothies are typically made with whole, nutrient-dense ingredients like fruits, vegetables, and protein sources. Despite being lower in calories, they are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, which support overall health and satiety. Consuming nutrient-dense foods can help prevent nutrient deficiencies and promote feelings of fullness, reducing the likelihood of overeating.

  3. Hydration: Many smoothie recipes include hydrating ingredients such as water-rich fruits and vegetables, coconut water, or almond milk. Staying hydrated is important for overall health and can help regulate appetite and support weight loss efforts.

  4. Fiber Content: Fruits, vegetables, and other whole foods used in smoothies are high in dietary fiber, which adds bulk to the diet and promotes feelings of fullness. Fiber also slows down digestion and helps stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing cravings and the likelihood of snacking on high-calorie, low-nutrient foods.

  1. Increased Nutrient Absorption: Blending fruits and vegetables breaks down cell walls, making their nutrients more readily available for absorption. This can enhance nutrient absorption and utilization, ensuring that the body receives essential nutrients for optimal metabolism and energy production.

  2. Convenience and Portability: Smoothies are quick and easy to prepare, making them a convenient option for busy individuals. They can be consumed on the go, at work, or while traveling, helping to prevent impulsive food choices and promote adherence to a healthy eating plan.

  3. Customization and Variety: The flexibility of smoothie recipes allows for endless combinations of ingredients, flavors, and textures. This variety can prevent boredom and monotony, making it easier to stick to a weight loss plan long-term.

  4. Behavioral Changes: Adopting a smoothie diet may encourage positive behavioral changes, such as increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables, reducing consumption of processed foods and sugary beverages, and developing healthier eating habits overall.

Downside and Side Effects

Side Effects
Side Effects

Besides being restrictive, unsustainable, and challenging to adhere to, the Smoothie Diet may present various downsides and potential side effects.

  1. Increased Risk of Nutrient Deficiencies: Opting for just one solid meal per day while replacing the remaining two with smoothies might elevate the risk of nutritional deficiencies. While smoothie recipes advocated by this program feature nutrient-rich ingredients like fruits and veggies, they often exclude or limit many essential components of a balanced meal, such as whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins. Some are also lacking in protein content. For instance, the Green Detox smoothie—comprising kale, coconut water, bananas, ginger, and lemon—provides less than 4 grams of protein per serving. This can make it challenging to meet daily protein requirements, impacting tissue repair, muscle growth, immune function, and other physiological processes.

  2. Insufficient Caloric Intake: Although the diet claims to offer around 1,500 calories per day, most smoothie recipes are significantly low in calories and may not adequately meet the energy needs of most healthy adults. Consuming insufficient calories can slow down metabolism and lead to serious adverse effects like hunger, nausea, headaches, and fatigue.

  3. High Sugar Content: Many smoothies included in the Smoothie Diet incorporate multiple servings of fruits such as bananas, pineapples, peaches, and strawberries. Additionally, some recipes contain other high-sugar ingredients like honey or granola. While these ingredients can be part of a balanced diet, the excessive amounts featured in this diet plan may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals with diabetes, in particular, may need to monitor their intake of high-carbohydrate foods like fruit or honey to prevent blood sugar spikes.